• Abstraction, Geometry Painting: Selected Geometric Abstract Painting in America since 1945, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, September 16, 1989-September 16, 1990; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, FL, December 15, 1989 - February 25, 1990; Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wl, April 1, 1990-June 1, 1990; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, C12 July 1, 1990 - September 16, 1990.
  • Black and White. Comune di Ferrara, Assessorato alle lstituzioni Culturali e Gallerie Civiche d'Arte Moderna, Ferrara, Italy, November 22, 1989 - December 8, 1989.


  • The Grid: Organization and Idea, Ben Shahn Galleries, William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ, March 27, 1990 - April 28, 1990.
  • Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Awards, American Academy of Arts, New York, NY, May 16, 1990 - June 10, 1990.
  • Color in Art: American Expressions from the Mid- Twentieth Century to the Present, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainesvilie, FL, September 22, 1990 - December 2, 1990.


  • Jestesmy, Galerii Zacheta, Warsaw, Poland. 1991.
  • Richard Anuszkiewicz, Harmon-Meek Gallery, Naples, FL, 1991.
  • Richard Anuszkiewicz: Constructions and Paintings: 1986-1991, ACA Galleries, New York, April 25, 1991 - May 18, 1991.
  • Surprise! Selections from the Permanent Collection, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, FL, October 11, 1991 - November 17, 1991.


  • Stars in Florida, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, FL, February 7, 1992 - March 22, 1992.
  • A Tiibute to Mari and James A. Michener Selections from the Michener Collection of Twentieth - Century American Art, University of Texas, Austin, TX, May 20, 1992 - July 26, 1992.
  • Richard Anuszkiewicz, Julian Stanczak, Hanna Zawa, Polish American Artists Society Artworks Gallery, New York, May 21, 1992 - June 14, 1992.
  • The Persistence of Abstraction. American Abstract Artists, Fifty-Sixth Annual Exhibition, Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, August 27, 1992 - October 18, 1992.
  • Richard Anuszkiewicz, Nations Bank Plaza, Tampa, FL, October 8, 1992 - November 20, 1992.


  • Richard Anuszklewicz, Gallery Camino Real, Boca Raton, FL, January 7,1993 - January 30,1993
  • The Hard Edge, Harmon Meek Gallery, Naples, FL, February 15, 1993 - February 20, 1993.
  • Greetings from Florida, Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples, FL, March 22, 1993 - May 2. 1993.
  • Prefab: Reconsidering the Legacy of the Sixties, Rose Art Museum, Waltham, MA, April 1, 1993 - May 23, 1993.